Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Moving on...

I lost my phone last Saturday, and it was my phone for these past 4 years. Huhu... :( It really looked so used up as its keypad is slowly "tearing off" but it still works. I remember that I saved up for this when I was still a student with my allowance and pay (I'm part of our university publication wherein I was an artist staff and we get "paid" depending on our work inputs). I even saved the first-ever text message that I received with that phone which is from my dear friend back in college (yeah, I'm like that.. ;P).

I believe that this is the Word for me from God, "Forget the past or don't dwell in the past because I am doing something new." And it's obvious that my lost phone is part of that "past" that I should forget... :((

So moving on! I started browsing, searching and looking for a new phone! ;)) Sony Ericsson is just the brand for me, maybe because for the last 4 years it was one of their model phones that I've been using and it's really user-friendly for me hehe. ;P

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I just want it simple: SMS, camera, music & internet...and it doesn't have a Qwerty pad hehe. ;)

I'm believing for a brand new Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman God. :) Thank You! ;)

Friday, March 23, 2012

There's something about Mary

Do you remember that comedy movie with Cameron Diaz?

I'm familiar w/ that movie but I never watched it. But then I'm not going to blog about that movie. This is about Mary, Mary of Bethany. She's the sister of Martha and Lazarus (the friend of Jesus whom He rose from the dead).

Last Saturday I had my personal prophesy (meaning: God speaking to you through a human agent for strengthening, encouragement & comfort--1 Cor. 14:3) in the church that I'm in. I was nervous before my turn & very expectant that God will talk to me in this. I've been praying for this that God will prepare my heart and the people that He's going to use to prophesy for me. I also talked to some of my girl friends who already experienced it and fished for other stories. :)

It was really a memorable experience for me! My personal prophesy is so... well, personal! ;P Sometimes it felt like they have read my journal haha! :D Part of the prophesy for me is that my "Martha season" is about to end & I will be like Mary, her sister. I don't know much about her other than what I have mentioned above & that Martha is the "workaholic" one while she is the one who "chose what is better" (Luke 10:42). So I took time to know more about her by reading all the Bible accounts concerning her...and this is what I noticed. In all of these there is one "common denominator", she was always said to be...

"At the feet of Jesus..."

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At their home while Martha was so busy with all the preparations, she chose to be at the Lord's feet listening to Him. And Jesus said that she has chosen the better thing and it will not be taken away from her (Luke 10:38:42).

Before Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead, Mary got up quickly and went to Him when she learned from her sister that He is asking for her. When she reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet (John 11:28-32).

And she was also at the feet of Jesus weeping & wet His feet w/ her tears, wiped them with her hair & kissed them. She was also the one who poured an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume on His feet and the house was filled w/ its fragrance. Some objected saying that she's a sinful woman and what she did was such a waste. But Jesus said that she loved much & she did a beautiful thing to Him. Wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her. (Matt. 26:7-13, Mark 14:3-9, Luke 7:37-50, John 12:3)

Mary is a humble servant of Jesus who loved much & was not afraid to display her great love to the One she loved most. He commended her love & extravagant display of worship & adoration for Him. Correct me if I'm wrong, though she's not that "popular" compared to Mary, mother of Jesus & Mary Magdalene, there are no other women whom He complimented like that in the gospel books. He didn't stopped her from what she's doing--because it's right, it's the better thing to do, it's a beautiful thing & it pleased Him. :)

If there are something to admire & mimic about Mary, that will be her humility, her love (because she loved much) & her extravagant & lavish display of worship & adoration to her Lord. :)        

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wandering Hearts


Staring at the ceiling again
Pondering, thinking again
I don't know what to expect of you
But I just know that I'll be meeting you

There were times I thought I knew you
There were times I thought it was you
But after many suns & moons, believing it's true
Still I see myself waiting for you

As I move & I breathe
Been meandering under this atmosphere
So I muse if we're on the same road
Or sailing the same boat
And I hope our two wandering hearts
Will one day roam in this world no more

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** One of the fruits of having that one of those loooong moments with God. :) (I only slept for 2 hours I think hehe. ;P) I got so inspired that I wrote this simple poem for him... Whoever and wherever he is. :)

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." -Isaiah 43:18-19 

A new season. A new perspective. Same God. Exciting! :)