Friday, December 9, 2011

Twenty Three. Bente Tres. Dalawampu't Tatlo.

Seeing the number 23 reminds me of two persons: Michael Jordan and David Beckham. Number 23 is their jersey number and both are brilliant athletes in their chosen sports. ;) (And Beckham was one of my highschool crushes then... until now haha! :D)

Image from Wikipedia
Image from Wikipedia
I just turned 23 last Tuesday and my 22nd year on this earth was quite crazy! Haha! :D One of my major decisions then was about my career (oohh, career! ;P). Within the year I got a job then several months later I resigned because I decided to go freelancing and put up a small business (online most probably) so I'll have more time to volunteer in the church. But it was easier said that done! I was more delighted and satisfied helping or serving in the church, engaging with people and leading them than being in an office. I'm not saying that I was not thankful during the time that I'm in it, but I'm just happier and felt more fulfilled doing these.

It was not easy because I just found out that when you are just starting as a freelance graphic artist, looking for clients/project-based works through the net is not a piece of cake. Since you're searching in the worldwide web, the competition is more challenging because I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands freelance graphic artists out there doing the same stuffs that I do. Honestly, there are many times I saw myself complaining to God regarding this (and I am sorry to God.. :( ). Generally, I bring my plans to God for His approval before doing them. I believe that I got His approval when I decided to go and leave my previous job. But then in the following months I started to doubt if I really got Him right! There are times when I really got consumed with these issues like I don't have a regular income at the moment. I've known that when things are getting difficult it doesn't always mean that it is not God's will. (Again, easier said than done! Haha! ;P) I'm just thankful to God because when I feel like giving up, He will give me a Word and by His grace I will be able to hold on again. :)

Image from
I frankly asked Him if I got Him all wrong and can I just get another office work because it looked like I got all the reasons to do so. But He just said to me, through His Word, that I just have to "keep the faith and keep hoping" (Romans 4:16 & 18). He didn't say I got Him all wrong, but just keep the faith. So until now I'm still working on my freelance career and my tiny-winy business hehe. :)

It's said that when you count your blessings, you will find out that there are reasons for you to be always thankful for... even on the little things. So I looked in what I have and not on what I don't. First, I have this intimate relationship with God, I have a whole & loving family and we don't really get sick, I have my spiritual family who are also my friends and are ready to encourage me, God gave me talents that I can use to serve Him and others and He entrusted to me people for me to guide in their walk with God. The list could go on and on and really I have many blessings in this life that I should be thankful to God for. :) This past year may be really crazy (there are more "crazy" things that happened actually than this ;P) but having this roller-coaster ride was worth it all because God is with me. :) I believe He's just teaching me lessons when He put me on these "crazy" situations. :) And yes! Celebrating my 23rd birthday is also a blessing! :D

Image from

I prayed to God a thanksgiving prayer during my birthday, and that I may do His will by His grace and be always joyful while doing it. It's my prayer that I will finish the race strong AND joyful! (And I hope you will have the same prayer, too! ^^) I asked what His Word for me for my birthday and the book of Titus was impressed to me.

"...who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own eager to do what is good." - Titus 2:14

"This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless." -Titus 3:8-9

"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives." -Titus 3:14

BOTTOMLINE IS: Continue to do what is good! And what is "good"? The will of God (Romans 12:2)... And the will of God is the Word of God. :)      

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