Monday, December 23, 2013

More than just a "true love's kiss"

I recently watched the newest animated film from Disney, "Frozen". I wasn't really interested with it at first, but I've been hearing comments, reading Facebook statuses and receiving persuasions from friends that the movie is great and that I should watch it. Since I’m more of a fan of animated films, I gave it a try and watched it with my sister (because a friend told me that I should watch it with her because the plot is basically about two sisters hehe).

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Frozen!!! ♥
The movie is a good one… So good that it inspired me to write this blog post haha! :) One thing that I really liked about the movie is how they defined “true love”. It was Olaf (the living quirky snowman) who said that true love is “when you put someone else’s needs before your own.” True love is not just about couples, like what they have shown in the movie.  True love can also be expressed between family members like when Anna saved her ice queen sister Elsa for being killed at the expense of her own life. They thought that Anna will be saved by having that “true love’s kiss” because they thought (and she was convinced) that it is an act of true love, but it was her “sacrificial act” for her sister that saved her from being frozen for the rest of her life. To make it simpler… True love is equals to sacrificial love.

I kind of can relate to the character of Anna. Not that I can easily fall in-love and can marry a man whom I just met, but in the sense of how she thinks she will meet her “the one”. I think like that before... I’m sure that a lot of ladies out there would think that maybe she will meet her “the one” in a gathering and they will have that instant connection because they have the same wavelength, or because he can finish the sentence that she started, or simply because he can make her laugh so easily. There is nothing wrong with these, but I think it is wrong to conclude that just because you can easily connect with each other, and you like the person and the person liked you back, then this must be “true love”.

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Oh it must be true love! (Naahh...)
True love is equals to sacrificial love, and sacrificial love is more than just having the same likes and dislikes, or you can feel "butterflies in your stomach" when he/she is near or having that same connection… It’s more of a decision. I remember the scene in the movie when Anna had to choose between Kristoff (her “true love”) and her sister Elsa—she chose to save her sister over her “true love’s kiss”. She decided to make that sacrifice. She decided.

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In this I remembered my grandparents in my father’s side. My grandma just celebrated her 100th birthday last July but last week she already left us and I believe she is now with the Lord. And I ponder about her marriage with my grandpa who is now around 98 years old. They must have made lots of sacrifices for each other to make their marriage work until death do them part. Then last Sunday, one of my aunts from my father’s side again, Auntie Vilma, celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary with her husband, Uncle Rey. It must have been 50 years of sacrifices, too! And tomorrow is my parents’ wedding anniversary! For that, 28 years of sacrifices (and counting)! Sacrifice can be defined as, “the surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim.” Sacrifice of time, of effort, of money, of your right to speak your mind or even your right to remain silent (haha!) etc. for the one you love. You have to decide before you can make a sacrifice. So then true love is a decision, not just an emotion.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. -1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (now that is a lot of sacrifice)

There are people who asked me if I’m ready to be in a relationship, or if I’m ready to fall in-love. Actually, I don’t know. And who knows but only God. And how will I know? Or do I really have to know that now? Because it's always easier to say "I am ready" or even "I am not". Maybe I will know when that time comes when I have to decide. When? That I do not know (and I think I don't have to know). :) But somehow I think you are ready for love when you are already willing to make sacrifices. I have tons of crushes (ok I'm exaggerating), but my frozen heart is reserved to melt for that one person, who maybe will make me sing ♫ For the first time in foreveeerrr!!! ♫ (hahaha! ok, enough of this)

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♫ For the first time in foreveeerrr ♫
But of course the greatest display of sacrificial love of all is when Jesus died for us. :) Someone can sacrifice his/her time, effort, resources etc. for you but no one can surpass this True Love in its truest form! ♥

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. -Romans 5: 6-8

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cambodia Love Part 2 :)

This is the second part of my Cambodia Love series (because I believe a single blog post for it is not enough hehe). For this one I will be sharing more about the team that I am part of when I went to Cambodia this year. :)


There's no 'I' in 'team'.

That would mean that when you are part of a team, sacrifices on your part should be made. It's not "me" but "we". But it's not just also "you" but "us".

When I went to Cambodia last year and even last month for a trip, I was also part of a team. They were part of this journey that I had going to Cambodia. We are different from each other and from different backgrounds. Some of us are working, some of us are still studying. We look different from each other (of course haha!) and have different personalities. But we have someone and something common in all of us-- that is Jesus and love. :)

Team Love after our morning devotion :) (Photo from Dax Tapay)
I am thankful to God that I am part of this team. Though I know that this is not a perfect team (because we are all imperfect persons), yet by the grace of God our imperfections and differences did not put our team's unity in jeopardy. Of course a team should be lead by someone. I think a team is not really a team if there is no team leader. :) So our team leader (who is also a church volunteer like all of us), during our first meeting shared something to us. Yep, it's about love!

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13

It should be love that is our driving force why we are going to Cambodia. Love for God. Love for Cambodia. Love for the team. So our team for this year we called it (yes, it's easy to guess) TEAM LOVE! ;) It may sound corny or cheesy to some but I think whatever team that goes out on a missions trip should be called Team Love because you are going out there because of your love to God and to people.

I don't know most of the team members when we first saw each other. I just know a handful of them, others are familiar faces and some I even haven't seen before hehe. But every month we regularly see each other, not just for admin purposes in preparation of our trip but also to bond with each other and to devote our time to the Word together. We build relationship with each other by spending time together. It is a deliberate effort. Because we believe that if we bond with each other as a team and be united, the tasks will be easier to do and the burdens will be lighter when we go to our field--and that is Cambodia. Though I am not saying that there will be no challenges, there will be. It is also to prepare us to the challenges that will come and be settled that we will maintain unity no matter what the cost. That would mean overlooking offenses, stretching patience, look past our differences and being more selfless. It is also praying for each other and praying together.

Sabbath day at Siem Reap with some of our local friends :) (Photo from Dax)
I will always remember those times when we just encourage and pray for each other, because there are times during our preparation that we were discouraged or we doubted if we will really go to Cambodia--may it be our challenges in raising our support, in studies or at work. I myself have doubted before and I almost gave up for this missions trip. But thank God I am surrounded with people who compelled me to not give up. We are also thankful for our team leader, Kuya Mik who lead us well by relying in God's grace (like what he always say, he can always tap on God's grace specially in leading the team ;) ). I'm sure I will also going to miss when he treats the whole team with food during our meetings! Great job Kuya Mik! :D If you are going also on a missions trip with a team, please pray for your team leader. The task and the pressure is always greater for the leader so the team should be also united in praying for him/her. :)

So it was really a joy when we were there in Cambodia. We shared our laughs, our tears and our realizations to each other during the trip. Though all of us lacked sleep during those days (because we have to stay up late and get up early the following day), we thank God for the grace and for the strength to do what we have to do. It was also a joy when we spend our time with our Khmer friends and with our long-term missionaries there. It was more joyful serving and blessing the nation of Cambodia because I'm part of a team who loves God and Cambodia, who loves to laugh, who loves to cry (with tears of joy), and who loves our team. :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cambodia Love

Angkor Wat by sunrise :)
Just a mention of its name, number of thoughts starts running in my head. Before, I just know this country for its Angkor Wat, which is one of our UNESCO World Heritage site. I think it was roughly 4 years ago when I saw this nation on a different light. It was during the time when I watched at the 700 Club Asia its dark history under the Khmer Rouge regime during the 70's. From then on I already had a heart for Cambodia and it's been my prayer that someday God will let me come to that nation and be a blessing there. I have friends who went there before me and hearing their stories just made me pray more to God that He will let me come there someday just like them. God answered my prayer, because years after praying He let me come to this nation for a short-term missions last year! I was really joyful when at last God answered my prayers! It was a great time and my love for Cambodia just got deeper that after my last year's trip I have decided that I will return the following year.

Just this October, I'm thankful to God that He again honored my prayers and enabled me to return in the Kingdom of Cambodia. One of my goals this year was really just to see the fruits or the growth of the local disciples that we met from the last year's trip, since we conducted a team building there on having a small group. Even just before this month, we already heard some good reports about our church there, Every Nation Church Cambodia. One of these are they have transferred to a bigger venue and the other was they have sent many delegates at our Ignite Conference 2013 last summer. It was different seeing them here in the Philippines for it's also a proof of God's faithfulness to them because He made them come here in the Philippines.

Ignite 2013!
Some of our Khmer delegates :)
I think until now, I'm still overwhelmed with God's goodness from the trip. Other than seeing my friends at ENCC, I also had chances to see again my friends whom I've known from Korea when I attended a conference there last year.

With Chantra and Sinat :)
Maybe a single blog post is not enough for me to share my experiences and thoughts for the past trip that I had. It was a long but exciting journey by the way... since I applied again for this trip late last year, met the whole team who were with me in this journey (I will also miss those the monthly meetings that we had before the trip) and arriving again in the Kingdom of Cambodia. I pray that those who read this will also be inspired to go and be a blessing to the nations and also see the bigger picture of God's plan to spread His love to every nation. :)

The future is bright for you, Cambodia

Monday, September 23, 2013

I hate rules!

It was during the time when I was teaching in one of my Saturday art classes with kids aged 6-7 years old. We are about to do a side view of a zebra using charcoal pencils.

Before we start I always make them recite our class rules. Originally we only have 3 rules, but since these kids are really active I made another rule which is "Don't go before teacher." (It's because when we are doing an artwork, we do it one step at a time) What usually happens when they go before me, their artworks will look different from what I am teaching. So they will air their concern and comment on their works with "Why is my zebra looks different?" or "My zebra looks abnormal!"

So my answer is (of course), "Because you are going before teacher..." or "Because you are not waiting for my instruction..." And this will happen again and again in one session. One time I asked them, "Why you are not following the rules?" And one of my students answered me, "Because we don't want to follow the rules!" And I answered him, "But rules are for your own good that's why you should follow them. They can make your artworks look great."


Then I remember a time when I was commuting going home. In a fleeting moment I saw a barber shop by the roadside. And in the barber shop I saw a toddler who is inside a crib, jumping. Good thing the kid is inside the crib or else he could be on the road and get hit by a vehicle!

Image from

Then I remember God and His rules. There are people who doesn't want to get serious with God because they think that God have "so many rules" that they need to follow. Thinking about the toddler inside the crib, it's like we are the toddler and God's laws are the crib. They keep us safe.

Proverbs 6:20-13 (NIV)
20 My son, keep your father’s command
    and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
21 Bind them always on your heart;
    fasten them around your neck.
22 When you walk, they will guide you;
    when you sleep, they will watch over you;
    when you awake, they will speak to you.
23 For this command is a lamp,
    this teaching is a light,
and correction and instruction
    are the way to life,

His laws are meant for guidance, instruction and correction. They are not meant to choke us or so we can live boring lives. When we believe and know that God loves us so much, we can be sure that His laws are for our good, following them will not be a burden but a delight and treating them will not be with contempt but with thankfulness.

Friday, September 20, 2013

More than just a "Puppy Love"

Puppy love.

They said, "puppy love" also means "young love". This term is usually used (not all the time) by grown-ups to describe their first crushes or first relationships that they had when they were younger. It also means "immature" or "shallow". It's like saying that you "love" the person because that person have a mega-watt smile or is cute, plays basketball very well, makes you laugh, makes you feel happy, makes you inspired, etc.

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So it's like puppy love = you.

A person is childish or immature when he/she thinks or cares all about him/herself. Notice how a baby clings to a toy that he/she is holding or how a baby cries when you get what he/she is holding. Sadly I realize, there are still people who are already grown-ups yet still have this "puppy love" in them. They go into relationships because they don't want to be alone, they want to feel happy or they want to feel "complete", etc.

"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." -1 Corinthians 13:11

For a very long time I was puzzled why is this verse included in the "love chapter" of the Bible. God made me realize that when we love (like we reeeally love in its truest sense), we become mature therefore we think or care less of ourselves and more about the person that we love. We mature so "we put our childish ways behind us". Much like what Jesus did for us. He think less of Himself and showed His love for us by dying on the cross so we may have salvation from our sins and have a full life in Him.

So you know that you love (like reeeally love in its truest sense basing on 1 Corinthians 13) when you think less of yourself and more of the person that you love. :)    

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Your love goes on and on...

♫ Your love never fails / It never gives up / It never runs out on me ♫

Yep, that's the chorus part of that song by Jesus Culture, "One Thing Remains". I've been listening to it on and on again for these past two days as this song ministered to me on a different light.

LSS mode :)
It has been said that "No man is an island". It means that other than food, shelter, clothing and some other stuff, a man needs to be with other people through having relationships with them. Whether we like it or not, we are already born with those-- we have our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. But there are also relationships that we have to choose to have, and that would be our relationships with friends or with any people who happen to be outside (or far from) of your family tree. :)

But as we build relationship with people, we give a part of us to them, making us more vulnerable to them. We are more exposed to possible disappointments, unmet expectations, mistrust, heartaches and letdowns. Time and again we might come to a point of holding all it up, build our own walls around us and then have our reservations of giving a part of us to people since we can be so tired of being hurt. We may be all around with people yet be so reserved. In one way or another, I may have come to this point without knowing it.

The thing here is I kind of decided in the back of my mind that I will contain myself behind my own walls so as not to be too vulnerable. Playing like a "tough cookie" I guess. ;)

I would have call this as a "Fasting Hangover 2.0" post. :) It was during the Day 2 of our Mid-Year Prayer and Fasting that was held last week when I read the "Love chapter" of the Bible in 1 Corinthians 13. In that whole chapter, these words kind of spoke louder to me:

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...

It dawned on me that I'm doing this not because I'm scared to be wronged or don't want to be hurt. They are just on the surface. The truth is I don't fully trust God anymore in this. I may give tons of reasons why but this is the bottom line, I'm having trust issues with Him (Ouch!) It's like I'm saying that God is holding my heart, only that it is caged and chained. :) But no no... God doesn't want me to do that. He still wants me to be open and free, just like a loving father. :)

If God is love, then HE always protects, HE always trusts, HE always perseveres and HE never fails.

I attended the Day 2 prayer meeting in our church later that day, and the song that I've mentioned was played by the music team. It struck a chord in my heart and then have this thought in my mind:

If I have God and His love in my heart... then disappointments, heartaches, heartbreaks, letdowns, etc. may come but it's just fine... because HIS LOVE NEVER RUNS OUT ON ME. :) It's not that I will be super invincible and will not feel any pain anymore, it is just being secured, being brave and confident that whatever this heart may go through... it will not be calloused or dried up because God's love flows through it. :)

I realized that God's love doesn't just make us complete, joyful and alive. It can also make us brave and strong, not because we are rigid, but because we never run out of love to give that is from the Lord. :) Now that is being secured!

♫ And on and on and on and on it goes / And it overwhelms and satisfies my soul / And I never ever have to be afraid / 'Cos this one thing remains ♫

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fasting Hangover

Last July 2-4, we had our mid-year prayer & fasting in our church. It was really a great time that I'm always looking forward to, even though before I never thought that fasting can be really fun & exciting. :)

During the breaking of fast last Thursday at Ptr. Bong & Ate Jing's house, I've noticed how Justin & Joshua (their two little boys) was so enthusiastic and intensely happy with all the shouting & running around when their daddy arrived home. Justin (the eldest) went to us where we are having our dinner and shouted "Daddy is here!!!" with gusto! Then I saw Joshua running around very happy while holding a bottle of water which is about half empty saying, "Look, daddy gave me this!" Ate Jing told us that he's always happy with whatever his daddy gives to him.

Then it made me think about my relationship with my Father God. Is just His mere presence makes me so enthusiastic & intensely happy? Or in anything that He gives to me, do I receive it with joy & a thankful heart? Even though to other people it might look just like a "half-empty bottled water", but since my Father gave this to me I'm still happy that I received it.

It's something that I pondered about, & I realized that I can be like that when I'm child-like before God & all my delight is in Him. Since I'm already satisfied with His presence, then whatever blessing that He gives me I'll be thankful for it, because it's only just a bonus from being with Him. :)

Yep, I'm having my fasting hangover! :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Have you met Joy? :)


It's only a three-letter word. Short yet many people are in search of it. And many from them are searching it in wrong places. They look for it in their careers, romantic relationships, money & vices. They seem to satisfy at a time but then it doesn't linger. Result, it makes the person frustrated & even more sad.

Nick Vujicic at CCF's new center

Yesterday, I got the chance to see & hear Nick Vujicic speak with 10,000+ people at CCF. He was born with no arms & no legs. When he was a boy he had to deal with the bullies, he had so many questions to God why he was born like that & he even tried to take his own life for several times. His parents helped him to restore his faith in God.

He spoke about happiness & joy. He's right when he said there are many people who have arms & legs yet don't have peace, joy & purpose. Even though he don't have his arms & legs, he have peace, joy & purpose which are more important. He have it through having Jesus Christ in his life. He's now being used by God all over the world to spread His Word of hope, truth and purpose. Nick is now married and have a cute baby. :)

In the afternoon I went to our church at VCF. In our pastor's preaching he also spoke about suffering & joy. Sometimes God don't give us what we are praying for & allow suffering in our lives, so it will lead us to the ultimate source of joy-- Jesus.

Answered prayers & good things are nice but just like our circumstances whether they are great or not should not be the source of our joy. Joy is Jesus! :)

"You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore." -Psalms 16:11 (NKJV)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

At last!

At last it's finished! :)

It's my online portfolio since I'm preparing to have a career in freelancing as an artist. :)

It might not be the supah and most fabulous online portfolio that you've ever since but I'm proud of it! ;)

See it here: YEBAH!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Common Denominators

I have my new work now as an art instructor for kids. I'm only a couple of week old in it and still in the adjustment period. Arts and kids = great combination! Part of the adjusting season is missing my former work and the people that I was with there. I used to work in a non-government organization (NGO) for the poor and I had those times when I went in to houses that are built under bridges, near dump sites, on relocation sites and evacuation centers and spent some time with people living there. I also saw many kids in those places and most of the time if they are not in day care centers, they are just playing with their fellow children and living out their childhood days.

Here in my new work, I'm now more exposed to kids. They are just the same with the kids that I've encountered in my past work --  energetic, fun, have great potentials and a future. Only that they have more resources like they have cars and houses and maybe they are studying in exclusive schools.

Now I'm realizing that God put me in a place where I can see kids from both worlds. They might came from "different" spheres (different backgrounds, upbringing, language used in speaking, etc.) but they are all under the same heaven. Other than food, water, air and shelter, they all need from us are

And yes, some sweets :)

Yesterday was the coronation night for the Bb. Pilipinas beauty pageant. I didn't watch the pageant (since I wasn't really into it hehe) but I watched the Q & A portion of the crowned Bb. Pilipinas-Universe 2013 on YouTube. The question was something like if women have something to teach men, what would it be? The answer of the beauty queen was-- sensitivity, because men tend to be so logical and rational. The morena beauty got a point there!

But you know, if men have something to teach women that would be rationalizing. Because women tend to be so sensitive and emotional! (I should know being a woman myself!)

So therefore the common denominators for that would be-- understanding and adjusting. :)

I thank you! :) (left hand on the waist, stomach in, chest out, flash that big smile and do the "beauty queen" wave on the right hand) :D

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The homework that I didn't submit

Ok, I admit it... Nowadays I'm doing some computer files searching/gathering. So just like my post prior to this, I also stumbled upon this file that was my homework last year. I took the Training for Victory (or T4V) course/program in our church where we are thought about the integral topics that we need in making disciples in a simple way. Part of this was sharing your "Personal Testimony". Simply put, a personal testimony is your own story of how you were before having Christ, how did you meet Him and how are you living today with Him in your life. :)

We are told to write our personal testimony as our homework. We should make it short and simple, yet clear and of course Christ-centered. So I wrote it and on our next class the teacher asked us if there are people among us who are willing to share and read their homework. I didn't volunteer. After a few people shared their personal testimonies, the teacher didn't tell us to pass our homework. So after that I just kept mine and after one year (and few weeks), I found it and read it again. Yep, and it made smile. :)

Image from

Mar. 14, 2012
T4V Batch 6 Homework- Personal Testimony

I was born and raised in a Christian household. My parents were already Christians when they got married so it was normal for us to always go to church every Sunday. They also taught us to always pray and read the Bible. I and my siblings went to a Christian school from kindergarten until grade school where we were taught to memorize Bible verses. Even though I grew up in a setting like this, still I live a life of compromise and disobedience. A life lived far from God. I curse and say nasty things to people, I cheat on exams, I tell lies, I was disobedience and sometimes disrespectful to my parents, I drink alcoholic beverages to the point that sometimes I pass out. I know that these don’t please God and I always saw myself saying sorry committing them. It was like I am caught up in a cycle of being sorry for my sin then doing it again. I was living a life with “double identity” --a Christian life with my church mates and family, and a life of compromise with my friends.

Then there was a time in my life when I looked at myself and realized that I am tired of living like this. I realized that God is always been good to me. He doesn’t deserve my life offering if I am not giving it wholly to Him, when in fact He gave His all to me through Jesus when He suffered and died on the cross for my sins. I then accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and surrendered my whole life to Him not on a church setting with many people praying with me, but alone with nobody around. It was just me and God and my awareness that I am not happy and satisfied in living this kind of life. I felt the grace and the love of God overtake me. Since then I see Him not only a God that I visit every Sunday or a God that I have to report to because I committed a sin. I take Him now as my Life, my Joy, my Peace, my Purpose, my Reward, my Friend, my Lover—my everything! The Bible suddenly became alive to me. I don’t see it anymore as a bunch of Bible verses that I have to memorize because someone told me so, but I see it now as God’s love letter to me. I have now this personal relationship with Him that keeps me complete, secured, inspired and in-love through Christ.

Now I am not captive to my past sins anymore, like I am being helpless and can't do anything but to give in to them. I am now living a life of freedom. I speak more blessings to others rather than curses and it is easier now to be obedient and respectful. It is not because of me, but because I am experiencing the grace of God that I have in Christ. Though I am not perfect, I am sure something was changed in me and it was a change for the best. I know that I am happier now and joyful because I received the treasure that is costly yet it is for free, priceless but given as a gift for me and for everyone that breathes on this earth—and that treasure is Jesus Christ.


Monday, April 1, 2013

A right time & a right way

 I browsed my posted notes in my Facebook account and I stumbled upon this note that I wrote last Oct. 2011. It's like God is reminding me again that-- He. Works. In. Seasons. His Word is timeless, so I think of posting it again here in my blog. :) Enjoy!


God once again reminded me that He works in seasons. When we know that He works in seasons, we should understand that He had set a time for everything. One thing to determine if a person is organized or not, see if he/she keeps a planner. This could mean that the person wants to keep his/her time on track & that he/she wants to be efficient with it. God is the God of order, if He is not then we are really in big trouble. Therefore we should be thankful that He works in seasons in our lives. Just like what Ecclesiastes 3:1 says... There is a time for everything.

There's a right time, or season for everything. But there's a right way too to do things when God placed you in the right time.

Isaiah 28:23-29

vv. 23-24 Listen & hear my voice; pay attention & hear what I say. When a farmer plows for planting, does he plow continually? Does he keep on breaking up & harrowing the soil?

vv. 25-26 When he has leveled the surface, does he not sow caraway & scatter cummin? Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, & spelt in its field? His God instructs him & teaches him the right way.

vv. 27-28 Caraway is not threshed with a sledge, nor is a cartwheel rolled over cummin; caraway is beaten out with a rod, & cummin with a stick. Grain must be ground to make bread; so no one does not go on threshing it forever. Though he drives the wheels of his threshing cart over it, his horses do not grind it.

v. 29 All this also comes from the Lord Almighty, wonderful in counsel & magnificent in wisdom.

Okeeeyyy... At first I can't understand a thing from this passage but I believe God is saying something to me in this. And thank God for Your revelation! ;)

Photo from

THERE'S A RIGHT SEASON FOR EVERY WORK. A farmer have a list of work to do in his field & these must be done accordingly. He have to plow the soil first & then sow the seeds. When harvest comes he will reap what he sown then thresh & grind the seeds & the grains. MEANING! He will not plow the soil forever, time will come that he must sow the seeds. He will not forever wait for the harvest, soon harvest will come. For us this means that we will have to move forward eventually. The things we are doing to today, maybe some of them we need not to do tomorrow. God may have put you in Kids Church today, then maybe someday He will put you to campus ministry or to world missions. Maybe today He's telling you to wait, but your waiting will not be forever. Maybe He's telling you to be still, but someday He will tell you to move.

THERE'S A RIGHT WAY TO DO THINGS. Checking the dictionary, caraway and cummin are plants with seeds usually used as spices while wheat, barley and spelt are cereal plants with grains. They are cultivated & harvested differently from each other. If there is a time for everything, there is also a way to do things in those seasons! When you know that this is the season for "this", you just don't do things the way you wanted it to be. Otherwise it will be also disorganized! God will instruct & teach us how to do it. Example, when God called you to be a missionary, you don't just grab the situation on your own hands and not ask Him for counsel. If your season being a student has ended, you seek God on how will you spend your season being a young professional. Wherever He put you & whatever task He assigned for you to do, always ask for His wisdom & guidance through the Holy Spirit, so you may know how to do things right in the right season. :)

THERE'S A RESULT IN EVERY WORK. Caraway and cummin seeds are used as spices for food. Wheat, barley and spelt are used for breads. Whatever you do today, it will take effect tomorrow. Imagine if the farmer didn't plow the soil very well, the effect will be seen in the plant. If he didn't wait for the right harvest time, the effect will be seen in the seeds. So then he will have poor spices and bread for his meal. Imagine missing out God's best just because you are too in a hurry to wait and you thought you are too wise to ask God for guidance.

So therefore, wherever God had put you today or whatever season you're in, give your best into it! Because God have His reasons why He put you there and soon He will tell you to move forward into your next season. :)