Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Aftermath

After all the parties that I attended, all the food that I ate and all the gifts I received... This realization struck me the most in this year's Christmas.

The day before Christmas Eve we were listening to DZAS (a Christian radio station here in the Philippines) and they had a special programming in which they are raising funds for the victims of typhoon Sendong (Washi) that hit the northern part of Mindanao days before Christmas. The reports and scenes from the typhoon-hit cities of Cagayan de Oro, Iligan and Dumaguete are really heart breaking. Many families lost their homes, properties and even lives of their loved ones--from babies to grandparents. There was a flash flood in the deep of the night that is believed an effect of illegal logging in the said areas.

Many were asking, "Where is Christmas in this?" or "How can they celebrate Christmas?" Sadly, many people believe that to have a Merry Christmas, you have to have a sumptuous meal, gifts to give and gifts to receive, be at the parties and go shopping. I'm not against these but may these things not hinder us to know the REAL meaning of Christmas.

Image from newlifeccc.org.au

Amidst the disaster that hit the Philippines this season, I was really reminded of the real picture or meaning of Christmas.

While listening to the radio, I got so overwhelmed by what I'm hearing that I started to cry. Not mainly because I pity those people who was hit by the tragedy but I can say it can add to that. But really, the reason is I can see the love of God manifested.

It's concrete. It's tangible.

Reporters say that people are giving in-kind donations to their offices, riding on jeepneys or tricycles. On television, many people are taking their part in helping people. Many are praying, many are giving their pledges, many are volunteering.

I know this "Christmas-inspired" post is kinda late but I believe that the love of God is never outdated and never seasonal.

It's classic, it's timeless and it's priceless.

Image from media.photobucket.com
I saw the real meaning of this season during this time of disaster in Mindanao. People are helping the helpless, leaving their comfort zones to volunteer, sharing what they have to people who can't pay them back, praying to people that they don't know and giving love and showing compassion.

It was like humanity before Christ was born; we were helpless, we were destroyed, we were hopeless... and thank God He gave His Son! Now as the song says, "the weary world rejoices"! Jesus left His comfort zone for us, He is generous to us who can't really pay Him back, He prayed and even died for people who doesn't know Him and gave love to us who are so undeserving. When I realized that this is what's happening to evacuation centers, I can't help but be overwhelmed and say that, "That is Christmas!"

Be part of this love movement and give! 

You can give through...
World Vision
Image from World Vision Philippines
Operation Blessings
Image from Operation Blessings Philippines

Image from FEBC
With this, a verse came to my mind. I think this was the first ever Bible verse that I memorized! :)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16 (NIV)


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Emergency!!! Typhoon Sendong (Washi)

Image from World Vision Philippines
Hi guys! I know I still don't have many readers here but I know some of you are from other parts of the world. Typhoon Sendong (Washi) hit the Southern part of the Philippines and the most devastated cities are Cagayan de Oro and Iligan. Sadly, from what I read, many children were greatly affected by this. Many houses were destroyed along with their livelihood. Many lives were also taken and a lot of people are still missing.

I have relatives from Cagayan de Oro (my father grew up there) and I am just thankful that they are safe. In the spirit of Christmas let's have the heart to give to those who are in need and hurting -- like the victims of typhoon Sendong. Sending in your donations through World Vision-Philippines is as easy as saying "I love chocolates and marshmallows". Just click here and follow the steps. :)

As you send in your donations, send also your prayers to God. We do the hard work, God will do the "heart" work (healing and restoration for the hurting). Thank you very much and God bless you!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Twenty Three. Bente Tres. Dalawampu't Tatlo.

Seeing the number 23 reminds me of two persons: Michael Jordan and David Beckham. Number 23 is their jersey number and both are brilliant athletes in their chosen sports. ;) (And Beckham was one of my highschool crushes then... until now haha! :D)

Image from Wikipedia
Image from Wikipedia
I just turned 23 last Tuesday and my 22nd year on this earth was quite crazy! Haha! :D One of my major decisions then was about my career (oohh, career! ;P). Within the year I got a job then several months later I resigned because I decided to go freelancing and put up a small business (online most probably) so I'll have more time to volunteer in the church. But it was easier said that done! I was more delighted and satisfied helping or serving in the church, engaging with people and leading them than being in an office. I'm not saying that I was not thankful during the time that I'm in it, but I'm just happier and felt more fulfilled doing these.

It was not easy because I just found out that when you are just starting as a freelance graphic artist, looking for clients/project-based works through the net is not a piece of cake. Since you're searching in the worldwide web, the competition is more challenging because I'm sure there are hundreds of thousands freelance graphic artists out there doing the same stuffs that I do. Honestly, there are many times I saw myself complaining to God regarding this (and I am sorry to God.. :( ). Generally, I bring my plans to God for His approval before doing them. I believe that I got His approval when I decided to go and leave my previous job. But then in the following months I started to doubt if I really got Him right! There are times when I really got consumed with these issues like I don't have a regular income at the moment. I've known that when things are getting difficult it doesn't always mean that it is not God's will. (Again, easier said than done! Haha! ;P) I'm just thankful to God because when I feel like giving up, He will give me a Word and by His grace I will be able to hold on again. :)

Image from notsalmon.com
I frankly asked Him if I got Him all wrong and can I just get another office work because it looked like I got all the reasons to do so. But He just said to me, through His Word, that I just have to "keep the faith and keep hoping" (Romans 4:16 & 18). He didn't say I got Him all wrong, but just keep the faith. So until now I'm still working on my freelance career and my tiny-winy business hehe. :)

It's said that when you count your blessings, you will find out that there are reasons for you to be always thankful for... even on the little things. So I looked in what I have and not on what I don't. First, I have this intimate relationship with God, I have a whole & loving family and we don't really get sick, I have my spiritual family who are also my friends and are ready to encourage me, God gave me talents that I can use to serve Him and others and He entrusted to me people for me to guide in their walk with God. The list could go on and on and really I have many blessings in this life that I should be thankful to God for. :) This past year may be really crazy (there are more "crazy" things that happened actually than this ;P) but having this roller-coaster ride was worth it all because God is with me. :) I believe He's just teaching me lessons when He put me on these "crazy" situations. :) And yes! Celebrating my 23rd birthday is also a blessing! :D

Image from dogs.lovetoknow.com

I prayed to God a thanksgiving prayer during my birthday, and that I may do His will by His grace and be always joyful while doing it. It's my prayer that I will finish the race strong AND joyful! (And I hope you will have the same prayer, too! ^^) I asked what His Word for me for my birthday and the book of Titus was impressed to me.

"...who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own eager to do what is good." - Titus 2:14

"This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless." -Titus 3:8-9

"Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives." -Titus 3:14

BOTTOMLINE IS: Continue to do what is good! And what is "good"? The will of God (Romans 12:2)... And the will of God is the Word of God. :)      

Friday, November 25, 2011

Kids Church realization... :)

Kids are adorable. Sometimes I see myself wearing a wide grin just by watching them. Last Sunday while volunteering for Kids Church Pre-school, I got to see how several kids talk. It sometimes amazes how can they understand each other with those fragments and speech as they talk with each other!

We have this new rule in the classroom. I personally call it, the "balloon rule". (hehe...;) I can't think of any!) We have I think 16 balloons (8 for boys and 8 for girls), stuck on the board in front of the class. If the boys become noisy, the teacher will pop one of their balloons. Same rule apply for the girls. The group with more balloons left in the end of the class wins & will get a reward. This was for classroom management purposes and I must say it worked for us! ^-^ 
Image from www.happypartyidea.com
Now I got to handle one of those kids. She's a very cute and adorable girl with round eyes and slightly wavy hair. She always asks me to help her with her crafts, to come with her when she wants to go to the comfort room to pee or to wash her hands, help her with her food and just ask me questions about anything! Then she started to ask me this question, "Teacher... Are you going to pop those balloons?" Then she covered both of her ears with her hands. I answered her smiling, "No, we will not pop those balloons if you will all remain behave." Then moments came by and she asked me again... "Teacher... Are you going to pop those balloons?" (Still with her hands on her ears) And so I answered her with the same reply.

I can't help but smile whenever I remember this girl! She's just adorable and not to mention she's well-behaved! :) I also prayed for her healing because she have juvenile rheumatism. During one of my quiet times with God, I told Him of how I was pleased with this girl. Even she's asking me the same question over and over again and even she's always asking me to help her with almost anything during that class. Then I came to realize this and asked God, "Am I pleasing You the way this girl pleased me?" or "Am I not irritating You when I always ask the same thing to You over and over again?"

I've got a lot of prayer concerns to God and some of them I've been praying for years now. I always ask Him to help me with these and with those and sometimes I feel like I'm a broken record before Him. Then this morning, I believe He answered me with this,
"And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:3-4 (NIV)
So I got to ask myself, "Why was this girl asking me the same question all over again? Why is she keeps on asking me to help her and to go with her?" It is because she recognizes me with someone who have authority over her. Because she knows I know the answers to her questions. Because she knows that I am able to help her. Because she can't go with no one to guide her. Because she knows that she's a kid and me being the grown up and her teacher, she knows that I am able.
Image from deviantart.com- cweeks
God is pleased with us when we come to Him as a child. When we know we are helpless apart from Him, when we know He got all the answers to the questions that we have and when we know that He is ABLE. He is pleased when we live as His child and we see Him as our Father. Thank God for Jesus that through Him we can be called as God's children! :D Having a giant faith is being childlike before our God. When you are just relying on His strength, His grace, His faithfulness, His mercy and His love. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let's add a little "cheesiness" on this! ;)

Funny! I made a visit to my almost non-existent Multiply page (because I have not made any updates on it for more than a year now! ;P) just moments ago. I end up smiling and grinning by reading some of my old journal entries & sometimes I thought, what was I thinking back then when I posted those? Haha! :D Obviously I was so hooked up with my Multiply account back then and it was a good idea. :) I was like "walking down a memory lane" when I had a look on it again.

But then, one journal post caught my attention. I posted it on August 18, 2009 and it was a "combo" entry about miracles; it was like two stories about miracles, hehe. :) The first one was about my sister's successful operation and how our bodies work like a "miracle". The next one is about... (drum roll please) love stories! Haha! :D (I'm sure you already had a clue with the title up there! ;P) I remember the song Born for You by David Pomeranz. The first stanza goes like this:

Too many billion people
Running around the planet
What is the chance in heaven
That you'd find your way to me?
Tell me what is this sweet sensation?
It's a miracle that's happened
Though I search for an explanation
Only one thing it could be -

Cheeeeesssyyy!!! :D So it's like also a miracle when two people destined for one another to meet each other and be together even there are "too many billion people" who are "running around the planet". Kinda like destiny and miracle rolled into one. Hmm, maybe that's why I really enjoy watching wedding videos, not because I already want to get married too (I'm still young for that, I think!) but the thought that even there are so many people in this world, those who are destined for each other are well... destined! ;) I also embrace the fact that God writes our love stories (that's IF you let Him!), and I really like it when couples during their weddings honor God in their relationships and acknowledge Him as the Author of their love stories. ;) And it's really good to know that stories like these don't just happen in those chick flick movies! :)

Image from mhatter99
Here's the post that I've been telling you about. I just want it to share this AGAIN (haha!) because I just want to! ;P And honestly, I got inspired AGAIN from my 20-year-old self's post. :)

So who can explain this? IT'S A MIRACLE! :) -Aug. 18, 2009

Just by the time you thought you know a lot about life, something "new" will come to your mind and you'll realize... There are still many many things to know about it.
Yesterday, me and my sis had this conversation about the ovulation/menstrual cycle (yeah, I think this is the "ultimate" girl talk! haha!). Out of the blue, I asked her a simple question relating to this topic. Then you know how talks can go to another topic then to another one and to another. ;)
My sis undergone an operation that removed a cyst from her almost a year ago. Stated on the report, the pathologist said that there were fat, fluid and BALLS OF HAIR found on the removed cyst. BALLS OF HAIR? Truly, there are still a lot of mysteries in life that even our technology today can't explain. Even the creation of life itself. How from just two cells can form a complicated being within months? And this being (a human) that once upon a time was only a zygote, can eventually do some marvelous things when he/she grows up (you know, like lead a country or do some awesome artworks, etc). Science can't explain this phenomenon, that's why I believe miracles still happen in this time and age. And why not? You and me are both created thru a miracle! :D
Are soulmates real? You know, that idea of "There's someone out there meant to be with me" kinda thing? I've been hearing/reading/watching real stories about people finding someone and believing, right then and there, that they were made for each other.
Yes, that was Michael V. on the Reader's Digest Asia Sept. 2008 cover!
I read an article from Reader's Digest Sept. 2008 issue about a guy of how his whole life is related to a great scientist, Isaac Newton. It was a good read actually, particularly the portion where and how he met his wife. He went in this place meant for dancing and socializing and there a woman caught his attention. He asked her for a dance and after that they had that usual getting-to-know-you talk. He shared to her of how Newton was his constant "companion" of his life. The woman was amused and told him that her surname is actually Newton! Then he wrote that he heard a voice, telling him very clearly that he was looking at his future wife. Weeks later he found out that the woman's family was almost certainly of Isaac Newton's line. Now they're married for almost 5 decades! 
Last night, I watched the 700 Club Asia at QTV11. There was this couple sharing there love story and they knew almost instantly (they knew each other for only 6 months) that they will end up together. The girl already knew/felt it but how can she propose to this guy? She is a Filipina with conservative values! :) Then the guy (who is an Israeli) eventually proposes to the girl after hearing a small still voice (God's voice I suppose.. ;) ). Now they are happily married for years with a daughter.

From Pink Sherbet Photography (Flickr)
Then another story for this soulmates stuff. My mother is a steady listener of DZAS (an AM radio station) so naturally, I got to listen to it, too. In one of their radio programs, they had a guest couple who shared their story as a pair. When they first met each other in a church activity/event, the guy was currently with someone and the girl had her suitors. The guy heard a voice when he saw the girl saying that this girl will going to be his wife. The guy came up to the girl and told her that she will be his wife! Of course the girl was puzzled upon hearing it, maybe even freaked out! Needless to say they're married until to this day.  
Call it coincidence, luck or accident... I remembered what the master old turtle in Kung Fu Panda said: "There are no accidents..." this is almost related to this saying, "Everything happens for a reason". So when all else fails to explain these phenomena, indeed miracles still happen and they just don't "happen", they are I believe... acts of God. :))

Forgive me... Sometimes I just plunge myself in all these cheesiness out of the blue! ;) How's that song goes again??

That I was born for you
It was written in the stars
Yes, I was born for you
And the choice was never ours...

Hahaha! I'm outta here! ;P

Friday, November 18, 2011

So you don't want to be hungry?

Image from www.chocolateguru.net
I'm a fan of eating. I always eat everytime I feel like doing so. Whenever I leave our house I always make it to point to have with me some food. Sadly, this is a privilege for me that sometimes I overlook.

Every 7 seconds, 1 child dies because of hunger... So every minute, roughly 8 children die because they have nothing to eat. You may now chomping a bar of chocolate or digging a pack of chips while millions of kids out there are struggling and dying because of hunger. Statistics say that millions are suffering in starvation just here in the Philippines.

It's really a herculean task to fight against hunger, but this does not mean that we will not take any actions for it to stop.

Last year, I had a privilege to volunteer for the first 12-hour Famine of World Vision Philippines. It was really a memorable event for me because it's the first time that I abstained from food for such cause. ;)

The 12-hour Famine is a youth movement against hunger wherein young people gather to raise funds to help hungry children and their families. They will not eat any solid food for 12 straight hours to experience hunger first hand. On the same day, we also had fun games and activities and featured talented acts. World Vision celebrities supporters were also present in the event. (Honestly, I think this is the only event so far that I took part wherein I saw a lot of celebrities. ;P) These are some of the highlights from the last year's Famine event. (Photos are from World Vision's 12 Hour Famine Facebook)
Ms. Lea Salonga! (I was star struck when she passed in front of me at the backstage! ;P)
Ruffa Gutierrez and her lovely daughters! ;)
Host DJ/Ptr. Jordan Escusa and beauty queen Ms. Miriam Quiambao :)
Dingdong Dantes
Tippy dos Santos, Nikki Gil and Sam Concepcion! (They are really gifted with those voices!)

This year, the Famine event is back again! But unfortunately this time I will not be there (sad.. :( ). But I'm still going to promote this event because I believe some of you can come! Registration is until today, November 18, 2011 and the event will be tomorrow, 8am-8pm at the Ynarez Sports Arena, Pasig.

For more information about the registration and FAQ, please visit the 12-hour Famine's official site:

We are not alone in this! The Famine movement is all over the globe! There are 40-hour Famine Australia and New Zealand, 30-hour Famine Canada, US, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea, Thailand and Taiwan and 24-hour Famine United Kingdom!

Being young is great. So add more greatness to it by participating in something relevant and by being part of something bigger than your life. You know, we are not here to live just for ourselves. In Deuteronomy 15:11 God says,

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.

And this verse drives me to help the poor in Matthew 25:40

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Let's say no to hunger!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Retro Christmas Vibbeee! ^0^

Woot woot! Our Kids Church Christmas party this December will be Retro-inspired-- from 50's to 80's. And because of this, I made some time in clicking all the way to search for retro fashion! ;)

Think of printed dresses, high-waist & full skirts, belts and sailors;

 For guys... think of V-neck vests, checkered and stripes polo w/ collar shirts, tucked-in, sleek hair-do.. ;)

Also known as the Mod fashion. Think of pixie hair cut, heavy eye shadows, mini skirts, one-piece mini dress, tight leggings, Audrey Hepburn and Jackie O.!

For guys... ahh... almost just the same as the 50's. Just add Beatles on it hehe. ;)
My favorite retro decade! haha! ;D Flower power, disco fever, psychedelic colors, hippies, bell bottom pants and afro hair do!

Huge jackets, shoulder pads, polo shirts, chuck taylors and maong jeans. :)

Whew! So that's about it! ;)) Let's groove tonight! ;P

Actually... It is on us.

"But you remain the same, and your years will never end. The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before You." - Psalm 102:27-28

They said that the future lies in the children. But how can the children carry that truth on their feeble shoulders? When you say that to them, most probably they will not really understand what those words mean. Of course, being a child myself before, all I wanted to do is to have fun. I just wanted to play (after studying of course), draw, watch my favorite cartoon shows, eat when I'm hungry and sleep when I'm tired. I also remember of wanting to grow up fast so I can do the things my parents restrict me to do (like traveling alone and staying up late to mention some). ;) Honestly, I can't remember back then if I really know the substance within that quote "The children is the hope of our future."

But what I can remember is I was taught to study well because my parents are working hard to pay for my tuition fees. That I have to respect the elders because that is good, and soon when I get old, the children will also respect me (you know, the "sowing and reaping" principle?). I have to eat vegetables, exercise, sleep during afternoon and early at night because it's healthy. :) I have to pray to God in the morning as I wake up, before eating, before sleeping and on "special occasions" and "emergencies", go to the church with family every Sunday and attend Bible studies (I studied at a Christian grade school with Bible studies for students every week). I was taught to obey my parents and be nice with my siblings and to the other kids.

I was not an all-time goody-good girl when I was younger. Sure I received discipline from my parents and from older people who care for me.

So what's my point here? Grown ups should guide children so they can be the hope that the future needs. They can't just grow and be the good person our society needs. They need guidance, protection, discipline and love... From whom? From the older people who are with them. I believe that we (the grown ups) are the hope of our future because we are the ones who are guiding and teaching the next generation. These are the parents, the uncles, aunts, teachers, older sister/brother, etc. Whatever we impart to them, intentionally or not, it will stay in them and the fruits will be seen by the time they grow up. I heard a saying (that I now believe is true) in one of our gatherings at World Vision -- "it takes a village to raise a child".

I believe that this is also ordained by God to us. It's true that as we get older, the more responsibilities are given to us whether we like it or not. It's part of life. In this may we always seek God, ask for His empowerment and wisdom that we may contribute what is only good to the children who are under our sphere of influence. While in it may we find joy as we embrace this responsibility. If the future is on the shoulders of our children, then we should help by carrying those children on our shoulders.

Doing Arithmetic with God

I was inspired by this song of Brooke Fraser entitled "Arithmetic". Brooke is one of my favorite artists because her songs are like chocolates with fillings in it. ;)  The song is from her debut album What To Do With Daylight (2004). :)

At the earlier part of the song, you would thought that it's just another song sang for a loved one. But reading through the lyrics, it's actually a song dedicated for Jesus. :) In this I was reminded by this verse in Ephesians 2:8-9:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Before (and even now... sometimes) we do some arithmetic with God in our lives. We thought that if I do this He will love me more or if I do that He will love me less. Or what can I do in my life so I can be deserving to receive His blessings or to His promises He's been giving and fulfilling..

When we are so caught up with this, we could be missing the whole point. That Jesus is the sum of it all. That through Him we can have these blessings that originally we don't deserve. Through Him we can claim God's promises and hold on to them... even how many are they, they are yes & amen in Christ (1 Cor. 1:20). And ultimately through Him, we can commune with God our Father, be filled with the Holy Spirit and have an eternal life with Him.

So don't do arithmetic with God. We just need Jesus Christ. We just need to want Him, to have Him in our lives and follow Him. Like what it said from an old story that I heard in church... "Whoever gets the son gets everything." Jesus Christ is the sum. :)

**Haay, I'm in-love again.. :) ♥**

Saturday, November 12, 2011

... Because you don't know

This week was a "roller coaster ride" for me. Starting off last Sunday, I had an awesome time at church when we gave one of our friends and our Kids Church Admin, Ate Shay, a birthday surprise. The night was full of laughter that I almost lost my voice because of laughing too much and too hard (imagine!?). The next day Monday, again I'm with my sister and the rest of some of our Victory-UBelt Kids Church friends. It was a holiday, and we spent our morning at SM-MOA Seaside Blvd. for our bonding. We jog, we laugh, we took pictures, we ate there by the sea and we celebrated (again) some of our friends' birthdays on that day.

The next day, I felt like God urged me to pray for salvation of my friends... So I prayed for them. I prayed for my college and highschool friends right there and then because the feeling of urgency was so strong. Then Wednesday came, it was the birthday of our ever-dedicated Tita Myng! But another news came to me through some text messages from Ava, a highschool friend of mine. She told me that our friend and her boyfriend Kit was already dead.

What? Kit? He's young, about just my age of 22. He... dead?

He went camping at Daraitan with his brothers and some friends on Sunday and spent a night there. Monday when they are about to leave the place, he went to the river to wash his hands and feet. But the current of the rushing waters was so strong he was carried away with it. His brother tried to save him but he can't because he also might be carried away by the waters and he also lose sight of his brother in just a matter of a second. They looked for him for 2 days and on Wednesday, they saw his lifeless body stuck on a rock, 3 KM away from where they last saw him.

I can't believe it. Until now the fact is still in the process of "sinking in" on me. Jake, who is also our friend, celebrated his birthday last Saturday and Kit even managed to come to his house to celebrate.

Then I realized this once again, now in a different magnitude... LIFE. IS. SHORT. And it's not only short but it's also quite unpredictable. Cara was also a friend of us. She also died several years ago and I think she was only 18 or 19 years old. She's a friend of mine and also a teammate. We were both part of our HS futsal varsity team and she was waaay more promising in this sport compared to me. She died because of brain tumor, but her death was not really so sudden.

This one I also realized... Since life is short and it's pretty much unpredictable, what should we do? This was my post then in my FB wall concerning my realization of my friend's sudden death:
"Choose to forgive over holding grudges. Choose to smile over frowning. Choose faith over fear. Choose love over hate. Because life is short, and you don't know when it will end...  AT THE END OF IT ALL WHAT JUST MATTERS IS HOW YOU LOVE GOD AND OTHERS. Live on love & in love.." 
Do you have Jesus in your life? So whenever you leave this life you know you are prepared. Have you love God with all of your being and loved others as you love yourself? When we die and meet with God, what do you think He would say to you? Ponder on this and live the life that God intended for you-- a life lived to the full.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Hey single ladies!

This was a post I made several months ago about being a good wife. Don't get me wrong, I'm still single and actually I've never been in a romantic relationship before. But what was taught to me is, if you want to have a successful relationship, you have to prepare for it. So then I believe that God is just preparing me for it and one of His means is through His Word.

So here's what God had taught me during my devotional time :)

Prov 19:14 Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.
-A prudent (or wise, exercising good judgment or common sense) wife is from the Lord. Though I'm not saying that our parents have no capacity of training us to be prudent wives in the future, it's just that true wisdom comes from Him and not from anyone else. Though God can also use our parents to prepare us in life, but I believe, w/ the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God is still our greatest teacher. :)
 Looking at it, if houses & wealth are the inheritance from parents, we the women are the inheritance from the Lord for being a wife to a man. So what would that be like being formed and molded by the Lord as His inheritance for a man that He wishes to bless? I believe it will take time if us girls are not that submissive to Him hehe.. ;)

Proverbs 12:4 A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
-From being a prudent wife as an inheritance, now a wife of noble (dignified, refined, reputable) character is a husband's crown. A noble wife is someone that a husband can be proud of. It's like a "trophy wife" but over a hundred fold and minus the negative puns in it (coz a crown is waaay more worthy than a trophy).
 He can be proud of her wife because of the way she carries herself, her good values and right conduct (GMRC? Grade school?? haha! ;D) and her behavior. I believe this is also about practicing proper hygiene and being beautiful inside-out. I'm not saying that we should get a nose lift whatsoever, but we should at least know how to look pleasing and presentable being a woman (ouch for me!) and how to take care of ourselves.
 It is being beautiful inside-out! (I'm sure we don't want to be the decay to someone's bones right? ;P)

Prov 31:10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
-Here goes again... "wife of noble character". She is not only her husband's crown but also someone far more worthy than rubies. How much a ruby stone can cost? I googled it (haha) and I found out that a 1.04 carat Ruby (super tiny!) can cost up to $816.00 (do the conversion na lang to peso but I'm sure that's very expensive!). Multiply it hundreds of times and that would be the worth of a wife of noble character!
 So she's not just someone a husband could be proud of but she's also someone precious and should be taken care of. :) If I own a lot of ruby stones, I'm sure I'll be extra careful with them. :) (This part I think is for the dudes!)

Prov 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
-A wife is not only an inheritance, a crown, and someone worth far more than expensive rubies but above all she's a favor from the Lord! Wow! Pasensya na ha, ang tindi lang ng revelation nito sa'kin eh haha! Favor is a present, grace or a gift. It's something done or granted out of goodwill.
 Then what would it be like being prepared by the Lord to be His favor, His gift or His blessing to someone? Hmm, I think it involves lots of molding, pruning and shaping of our character!
   So what's the point here? Think about it; YOU are the inheritance, the crown, the favor, the gift from the Lord! Maybe God is putting you on pressing situations because He's molding you to be that good wife in those Scripture verses! God could be putting you on situations that you have to wait (and wait) because He wants you to be patient because you could be needing a lot of patience when you're already with the man that you've been praying and waiting for! Or maybe you have struggles in your studies or work because God is developing something in you that will complement with your future husband's character!
Gen. 2:18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”

Gen. 2:22 Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

While our "Adams" may be still out there doing what God had told them to do, we at the same time are being made or molded by God FIT for the partner that He destined for us. And when the right time comes (in this only God knows), like Eve, He will present us to our own "Adams".

 Maybe we're still single because God is still molding us, or God is still molding the man for us. That is why it is wise to pray for him even though you still don't know him because he might be needing it while the Lord is molding him. :) But ultimately, we are being molded by God so we can be more like CHRIST. God created Eve so Adam can have a helper to do God's purpose for the man. So this is ALWAYS about God and His Kingdom! :)

 Before I said to God, "Ok God. I'll just pray for him." But in my heart, it's like God said to me, "No, he's the one who's waiting for you!" (Seriously?!?) So it dawned on me that we could think that we are the ones who are waiting BUT there's a possibility that we are the one who's being waited for! Now it's clear to me, we could be waiting for so long because of our own doings. Maybe if we are more obedient to God He can speed up things for us hehe! ;)

 For those who have already met their own "Adam", best wishes to you haha! God molding our character is a life-long process. :) To my single ladies, I have a word for all of us...
 You're not alone in waiting, he could just be waiting for you too! ;D